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dimanche 10 avril 2011

Suggestions for How to Make Money from Home

Many people want to know how to make money from home. Here are a few suggestions.
You might try several different things before you find the one that works best for you and your family. Remember that working from home requires motivation and family support. So, talk to your family first.
Telecommuting is becoming increasingly popular. Depending on what you do, you might be able to do all or most of your work from your own computer, rather than going into the office. Talk to your boss. Many executives realize the benefits of allowing their employees to telecommute.
Freelancing is another popular choice. What talents or skills do you have? Can you put them to work for you? If so, that's how to make money from home. For example, writers can work anywhere. Freelancers include computer programmers, software engineers, website designers and many others.
Nearly everyone has heard of eBay. Look around your house. Are there things that you might be able to sell? eBay now offers auctions and online stores for relatively low fees.
If you don't currently have anything to sell, consider attending estate auctions, flea markets or yard sales in your community. Learn about different collectibles. Sometimes you can buy them for next to nothing and sell them for a good profit.
With a little software and some practice, you can learn to build your own websites. You can either sell items or refer people to those that do. Many companies pay commissions for referrals. If a customer visits their site, using a personalized link that the company provides for their affiliates, and buys something, you earn a commission on that sale. That's how to make money from home, with little investment and without worrying about storing or shipping merchandise. It's called "affiliate marketing". There are hundreds of opportunities.

If you have a group of friends, you might consider doing home-shows for companies. Avon and Mary Kaye are well known for their home-shows, but there are many other companies to choose from selling a variety of different products. Organic foods, decorative accessories, jewelry and clothing are some examples.

If you use your imagination, you can probably come up with a number of things that are not included here. Just a word of caution; there are some scammers out there who target people that want to learn how to make money from home. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Jobs Are Temporary - How To Use Them

Do you really want a job? What for? The paycheck? Maybe you enjoy the work itself (if you're one of the lucky few), but does that mean you need to have a boss? Fortunately no. There are many ways to both do things that you enjoy doing and make money from your work. And although they can help you get to your goals, jobs are temporary, so why not see them that way?
Don't start that job search until you consider what's actually important to you. You can then look at your employment options as the means to accomplish goals that have real meaning. As long as the process is approached in this way, jobs do have their advantages. The following are some ways to use a job in this way.
1. Jobs Buy Time
It's common to claim we don't have time - even for the people we care about, but this isn't true. No one else is deciding how you spend what time you have. If you really want to spend more time with loved ones or writing that novel, just stop using your job to buy nice clothes or new cars and use it to buy time instead. For starters (until you really learn how to use both time and money more creatively) set aside enough of that paycheck to take off a week and spend it how you want.
2. Jobs Create Money To Save For Goals
A job creates income, and some of that can be diverted into savings for future plans and goals. I personally used a good job to pay off my first home early. Then I quit the job. That bought me a lot of time to do the things I wanted to. Several of my past jobs were devoted to earning money for traveling. Your job can provide money to start a business or buy a cabin in the mountains.
3. Jobs Provide Business Training
It's common to think of a job as an end in itself, or a means to a better job sometime in the future. That's okay if you really love being an employee, but in many fields you can use a job as training for owning a business of your own. In businesses like carpet cleaning and restaurant management this is common. Learn the business from the inside, then start your own company with the training and education you got.
4. Jobs Let You Live In A Place
Suppose you want to be where the best skiing is, but can't afford more than a weekend there every year? What do you do? Why not get a job there? Ask a few bartenders and other employees in Aspen, Colorado how they moved there. You'll find that many came not for the job, but for the skiing opportunities - and the job was just the means to that end. Get a job in the Florida Keys if you want more time at the beach, or in another country if you want to learn a new language and culture.
5. Jobs Teach You Skills
Many jobs are good places to learn skills that will be useful to you later. Some join the military for this reason. You don't have to go to that extreme, but if, for example, you work as a tax preparer for one season, you could apply the knowledge and skills learned to all of your future business activities. Being a car salesman for a year might prepare you with the sales and negotiating skills to become a great real estate investor or business tycoon.
6. Jobs Pay The Bills
Although not an exciting use for a job, this is sometimes necessary. But unless you really love the job you get, make this temporary. Here's how: Keep in mind that whatever job you get, if you got one that paid a little less you still would have survived. that means you're making more than enough to save a bit and plan something else. Pay those bills then, but also put a little bit of every paycheck aside and start looking for ways to pursue more interesting goals. You can at least continue your job search after you are hired, until you take one more step up in income, and then save even more for what matters to you.
Use that job as the tool or temporary stepping stone that it is!

The Best Jobs for the Future?

It may be that the best jobs for the future are not jobs in the traditional sense, but we’ll return to that idea in a moment. First, lets look at the idea that a job is the important thing. Is it? In what way. We might like to imagine that a good job can pay the bills forever, but job security is a thing of the past - if it ever really existed. Where you find your employment security now is not is a specific position, but in skills that will enable you to quickly replace any job lost or quit.
For example, if you are an actor, you might lose a job every few months - every time a movie or program you’re working on is finished. That’s okay if you are a good actor and know how to promote yourself. Another opportunity is always just around the corner. This has always been the way it works in Hollywood, but more and more it is true in other fields.
Consider how many computer programmers lost their jobs in the "dot com" crash of 2000. Of course, many of these same employees went on to bigger and better things, because they had the skills necessary, and made the contacts that opened up possibilities. Clearly, having the right skills and experience is more important than having a specific position in a specific company.
The best jobs for the future will be those that you will actually enjoy and are prepared for. Get to work on your resume and your skills and your self-marketing know-how.

Naturally, you’ll also want to aim for fields that are growing (avoid horse-shoeing and VCR repair). With a decent set of appropriate skills - including those of self-promotion, you will always find work.
But do you really want a job? I certainly don’t, and I haven’t had one in many years now. What I call my job is exactly what I am doing right now: writing off the top of my head as I sit here in my pajamas. My only boss is myself. My days and hours are of my choosing, and I can do my work from a beach in Mexico when I wish. The best jobs for the future, in other words, may be the ones that you create for yourself.

A Few Creative Ways To Make Money

We were always looking for creative ways to make money when we were children. My brother collected golf balls from the bottom of a pond at the edge of a golf course, and sold them. I sold candy from a hollow book to classmates, and ran casino and carnival-style games for my brothers and friends. We collected driftwood, sea shells and other natural items, gluing them together to make artistic items that we sold for a few dollars.
But what creative ways to make money can we use as adults, to generate more than a few dollars? The following are some ideas that I have found in my research and from my own experience.

Carving Walking Sticks

This is one I have tried. Using trees cut near where I lived I made hundreds of walking sticks, some with gems inset on top, others with designs wood-burned into them. Most had handgrips made from strips of leather cut from used leather jackets I bought for a few dollars each. I spent a summer selling a couple hundred of these for prices ranging from four (wholesale) to twenty dollars.
Some artisans target the high-end of this market, with walking sticks that start at $40 or more. Those ones typically have more detailed carvings, and they sell best at art and craft shows (we sold mine mostly at flea markets - not the best place).

Selling The Moon

One company sells plots of land on the moon, and they get about $29 for a small lot, or more for larger parcels. Will the titles hold up legally in the future? Who knows, but customers get a deed they can display on their wall, and a map showing the precise location of their lunar property. This company has reportedly sold millions of dollars worth of these lots. Now that's a creative way to make money.

Old Clothes Made New

A few entrepreneurs out there are making old clothes into new ones. How? Start with used shirts and pants that are in good condition, then add ribbons, beads and other decorations to make them into something new. Dye them or splatter them with bleach to create patterns as well. The resulting artistic creations are sold at craft shows and online.

More Creative Ways To Make Money

( A few quick ideas)
- Have "foreclosure tours" for real estate investors, taking them on a tour of the latest foreclosed homes in town. (Since first writing this in 2007 I have seen this concept used in California.)
- Create a mobile recording studio in a van or panel truck. Take it from town to town and charge people to produce a CD of their singing, which they can buy for a novelty or to send out to agents and record labels.
- Make a mobile "pet photo" business that you run from the back of a van and charge people for photos of their pets taken in their home or yard - or against the backdrops in your mobile studio.

- Sell outdoor enclosures for indoor cats (we built our own 8-by-8-by-8 foot one for $110 in materials). These are sometimes called catteries or catiaries, and allow cats access through a cat door from inside.
- Create an article on creative ways to make money, then use it to promote a website where you make money off the advertising, as I first did with this article.
- Reuse the article as a page to generate more traffic (and revenue) for the site.

Making Money Using What You Have

Sometimes you don't have to look very far to find new ways to make money. You can start making money using what you have. Consider carefully what you can do to profitably use the things you own, the situations you are in, and the skills you have. How can you make some money from these?

Some Money Making Possibilities

Renting Rooms
We've made tens of thousands of dollars over the years renting out bedrooms, even when we were living in a mobile home at the time. We charged a weekly rate that included all utilities, making it very convenient for students and single people. I've also known of people renting a spot in the yard to somebody to park their R.V. and live in it. I once converted a shed into a bedroom and rented that out too.
Rummage Sales
Find everything you don't need (maybe half of your possessions) and have a sale. We find it better to simply take it to a flea market. The fee for a spot is usually cheaper than an ad in the paper and you are guaranteed some customers if it's a good flea market. If you enjoy the process, you can start accumulating more stuff to do it all over again.
Closet Grocery Store
I used to make a little money running a "grocery store" out of two shelves in a living room closet. My room renters paid regular retail for cereal, soup, etc., which I would buy during half-price sales. Also, selling cold pop out of the refrigerator for 50 cents was a regular source of income for years.
Neighborhood Taxi Service
I used to pick up three or four fellow employees on the way to work at a charge of one dollar each way. Recently a neighbor paid us $30 to take her 12 miles because the cabbies here don't speak Spanish (I speak a little and my wife is from Ecuador). It may not be legal without a taxi license, but go ahead - I won't tell. There are regular newspaper ads in some areas of Ohio and Pennsylvania offering rides to the Amish residents, because most Amish will ride in cars but will not own or drive them.

Make Money Finding Things

Treasure Hunting Begins At Home

Yes, you can make money finding things - if you know where to look and what to look for. There are many things you can find that can be sold. Gold and precious stones come to mind, but it doesn't end there. Get up into that attic to see what treasures you find, and then check out some of the more unusual ways to go treasure hunting below.

Hunting Diamonds In Parking Lots

The temperature changes your jewelry experiences getting in and out of cars and buildings cause diamonds to come loose from their settings. This makes parking lots one of the most common places that diamonds are lost. One older couple I read about become so good at telling the difference (from a distance!) between the sparkle of a diamond and bits of glass that they regularly take early morning walks in mall parking lots for a second income.

Treasure Hunting in The Desert

An older Native American we met at a hot spring in Arizona showed us how to find arrowheads and metates (using for grinding corn or mesquite beans) laying out in the desert. They are hundreds of years old. He has sold at least one of his metates for $200 during a yard sale. For non-Native Americans this may be illegal, so check with authorities on this one.

Hunting For Natural Treasures

We have sold sea shells that we collected from beaches in Florida, and giant pine cones from California. We've also sold a lot of rocks that we collected all over the country. We sell them at flea markets and craft shows, as is, or made into something crafty.

Treasure Hunting In The Garbage

In our town the city collects all large junk for free during a week in April or May. You'll see perfectly good bicycles, furniture, games, toys, chairs, etc., in piles in front of almost every house. At least several people come by with trucks and trailers to pick out good things to sell at flea markets or auctions. It is a regular source of income each spring for some of them. I'm sure this happens in other cities.

Treasure In Vacuum Cleaner Dust

A man in California offered to take the shag carpet when a large old theater was being remodeled, saving the new owners the cost of disposal. The theater had been closed for years, but during the thirties it was a place where the wealthy went for entertainment. The wealthy, like all of us, lose things, but more valuable things perhaps.
When the old carpet was cut up and carefully shook out, it was found to contain over $2,000 worth of precious stones, rings, and coins. Wondering what may be caught by vacuum cleaners, the man then arranged to take the full cleaner bags from several cleaning companies each week. It saves them disposal costs, and he regularly finds coins and small jewelry when he digs through the dirt.

Hunting Treasure With A Metal Detector

For less than $200 you can buy a metal detector and begin looking for buried treasure. I've only found about 200 coins myself (mostly at the beach), and none of them have been valuable ones. A woman in our town, however, used her detector to find coins when the city tore up the old sidewalks. She sold one of them to a local coin shop for $700. A woman I worked with tells me that her husband and her have found many pieces of gold jewelry at the beach with their detector. It is also common now to use metal detectors to find gold nuggets in the southwest.

Panning For Gold

For less than $10 you can buy a gold pan, and become a prospector. I like the dark-green plastic ones best, as it is easier to see the gold. Most federal lands are open to prospecting without a permit. The only place I've seen gold in my pan is in Canada (there isn't much gold in Michigan), but people have better luck panning for gold in the mountain streams of the southeast and southwest, and it is always a nice way to spend an afternoon in any case.

Treasure Hunting In The Streets

Maybe you've seen homeless people collecting cans to sell as aluminum scrap - tough way to make a living. In Michigan (and other states), however, there is a 10 cent deposit on every beverage can. During festivals I have seen people with bags full of hundreds of cans and bottles they collected in the parks and garbage containers. Some of them travel here every year during the Cherry Festival, just to collect returnable bottles and cans that week.
I also once spoke to a man who went to the big concerts in the area to collect all the beer and pop cans in the parking areas. He told me he can make over $100 in a few hours (plus the time to take them to the store). Collecting "returnables" can be a dirty, even embarrassing way to make money, but an old guy in town here tells me he pays the rent doing this.

Unusual Jobs

Although unusual jobs can be a way to get out of a rut and make some money, they can also be fun. In the past I've worked as a repo-man (very fun) a investigative process-server (fun), and even handed out free samples in grocery stores (not so fun), among many other jobs I've had. Some examples of other odd jobs follow.

Wrinkle Chaser

A wrinkle chaser is the person that irons wrinkles from shoes as they are being made to ensure they are perfectly smooth when you buy them. he or she also inspects shoes or parts for inside or outside for wrinkles and other flaws.

Chicken Sexer

This is a real job title. A chicken sexer sorts through baby chicks to determine if they are male or female, and then segregate them. You may have seen Mike Rowe doing this on his "Dirty Jobs" television program (and it really is a dirty, stinky and disgusting job).

Citrus Fruit Colorer

A citrus fruit colorer, with the help of steam and chemicals, gives citrus fruit a more natural-looking coloring, because fruit is usually picked before it is fully ripe.

Celluloid Trimmer

A celluloid trimmer shaves down a golf club and then adds celluloid bands onto the golf clubs to make the leather grip stay in place.

Odor Judgers

Odor judgers get to smell armpits all day to help make deodorants that will work well. I'm not sure why somebody other than some strange fetishist would want this job, but we all have to pay the bills somehow.

Furniture Tester

Now here's a good one. The La-z-Boy Company (and probably others) employs furniture testers to check out their recliners. Want to relax for a living? Good luck getting one of these jobs though - I suspect there are less than a dozen such positions.

Cowpunchers herd, castrate and brand cattle. When you get bored castrating cattle, you get to repair fences, watering troughs and do other maintenance work on the ranch.

Alligator Wrangler

This is one of the more dangerous jobs, and probably not worth the pay, unless you get a T.V. show like the The Crocodile Hunter. There are two ways to get into the field. One is to wrestle and otherwise annoy alligators as entertainment at a tourist-based alligator farm. The other is to remove alligators from people's property when they become a nuisance.

Playing With Money

If you have some cash saved, there are options for what I call "playing with money," and which do not involve complicated businesses or boring bank accounts. Even if you do not have cash, if you have credit cards which allow cash advances, you can pay 18% interest and still make money with the money raised in that way. These are ways which mostly aren't quite a business because you can do them once or only when you feel like - they have a beginning and an end.

Loan Sharking

There are people that occasionally need money for a short while. A friend for example, that got a good paying job because I loaned him $300 to get drywall stilts. I never charged less than a $5 / week loan fee (don't call it interest). I haven't done this for many years now, and the legality is a question in some places. If you have any qualms, check the laws in your area and put it all in writing. Also, if you want total security, take collateral.

Investing In The Expertise Of Others

My buddy John had to show me several car magazines before I understood why an old fiberglass car was a good deal at $2,300, because I know nothing about cars. He eventually convinced me to put up the money, and after a new transmission for $900, he sold the corvette for $4,300, netting us about $1,000. I took half the profit ($500) for putting up the money for the two weeks.
I've done this several times with friends that know cars but don't have cash. By the way, if I had paid 18% interest and a $50 cash advance fee to raise the money with a credit card, my profit would still have been over $400, and John did all the work. I love playing with money. Do you have any friends who know everything about boats?

Buying And Selling Estates

We recently met a couple who buy out estates, sell some of the things at flea markets, then run the rest through auctions. They've made a living doing this for years. They load up a trailer after negotiating to buy a whole house full of stuff. Then, if they don't want to do the flea market thing, they just auction everything on Sunday afternoon for a nice profit.
If you are a good judge of value and have a regular auction nearby, you could do the same with rummage sales. Just offer $100 for everything and then auction it off piece-by-piece. The auction near us lets anyone sell their stuff, with no fee to enter. They just take a 25% commission.

Playing With The Casino's Money

I worked at a casino for years and I saw a lot of people foolishly writing down the numbers that came up on the roulette wheel. Foolishly, I say, because their their theories were nonsense. Casinos will always welcome these players and even hand them the pen and paper.
One guy, however, was actually scientific about it. By finding a bias in the wheel, after "charting" it for 5,000 spins, he made thousands betting on just one or two numbers. When a number comes up, it pays 35 to 1,
but one of the numbers, because of manufacturing imperfections or whatever reason, was coming up 1 in 27 spins, instead of the average 1 in 38 spins. So all he had to do was bet $10 a spin, and he profited $80 for every 27 spins of the wheel in the long run. That's about $100 per hour. The ups and downs are dramatic though, so this is not for the faint-hearted. In this case, I saw him lose as much as $700 in a night. Also, not all wheels have biases (they eventually replaced that wheel). So have you ever tried "card counting" in blackjack...?

Making Things To Make Money

Making things to make money doesn't have to mean difficult crafts. Sometimes it can be just simple assembly, not artistry or craftsmanship. Here are some examples:

Make Money Making Jewelry

I have friends who make and sell elaborate, expensive jewelry. We are not as artistic, or our tastes aren't as rich, but my wife and I used to regularly make and sell pendants at flea markets and craft shows. Our jewelry only involved tying a string to a pewter figurine or to a coin with a hole in it. There's probably more money to be made in the well-crafted, fancier jewelry, but there is a market for all types.

Selling Pewter Figurines

You can buy pewter wolves, dragons, turtles, lighthouses etc., from several companies online. Smaller pieces can be bought for about 20 cents each. My wife puts these on rocks, shells (the mermaids) and glass gems with E-6000 glue. We sell them for 2 to 10 dollars at craft shows and flea markets. The kids in particular love the dragons on glass gems or agates.
Pewter Lighthouse
Pewter Lighthouse on Rock

Walking Sticks

Find a friend who wants his property cleared of the weedy young poplar trees. Bring a saw and knife. I can make about forty walking sticks in a day with the easy woods, like poplar, for example. I buy old leather coats at thrift stores, cut them into strips and use this to put handgrips on the sticks (after they dry for a few weeks). The addition of wood burning, feathers, inset rocks, etc., makes some pricier, but I've had best luck with the $14-and-under sticks. I've sold them for up to $22 and wholesaled them for as little as $4 (very basic ones). We sell them at craft shows and flea markets and have wholesaled them to buyers who sell them at pow-wows and gun-and-knife shows.

samedi 9 avril 2011

Start A Dog Day Care Business At Home

When it comes to money, there are a number of different kinds of ways to earn it. Money has always been and will always be a very important need of every person living in this world. Now, when we talk of the different ways to earn money, I wanted to suggest you about a cool ‘make money at home’ idea that can really earn you some good cash – the ‘Doggie Day Care’ work. This is a great idea for money making.
Doggie Day Care – This is the place where people leave their pet dogs when they are out of their home. They want their pets to be taken care of in their absence and this place is the perfect choice for this purpose. People are using this one of the successful make money ideas since a very long time.

You can start your own Doggie Day Care center and earn good money. It works in the similar way like a baby day care does. People drop their dogs in the morning while they go to work and they take it back when they return from work. People know that their pet is safe at a dog day care and as there are many other dogs present at a center, so their pet does not feel bored. Income – With this make money at home business, people make from $8.00/day – $35.00/day, it can vary from one center to another. People who run their care center in their home charge less than the facilities that have a proper commercial running with some staff. There are good possibilities for money making.
Home Dog Daycares – These care centers are cheap as the owner generally does not have any staff and they do everything on their own. They attend only a limited number of pets in a day. Here, your doggie gets a more homely environment
Commercial Dog Daycares – A fully commercial facility with some staff are known to attend many dogs in a day, they attend around 20 dogs. They have very well trained staff that takes care of your pet. They know it well to how to treat a pet; they play with your dog, they know how to handle aggression in dogs and they also arrange a veterinarian, if there is a need.
Today, all the dog day care centers ask for a proof of vaccinations and they want a dog to be healthy and disease free to prevent the other dogs from any kind of infection.
So, if you make up your mind to open a Dog Daycare Center, make sure that you have kennels as you cannot keep all the dogs outside at one time. The Kennels should be spacious and clean all the time.
Sanitary is the most important factor in this home business. Dog day care is one of the easiest make money ideas you can follow.
If you love dogs, then this can be the right work for you to make money.

How to make money with ClickBank

ClickBank is just about the biggest website on the internet today as far as affiliates are concerned. If you want to make money online but you don’t have a product of your own to promote, what better solution could there be than to promote someone else’s in exchange for a slice of the profits?
ClickBank is a no brainer if you want to get started on no cash at all, and you have your choice of products to promote as well. It’s also a great chance to experiment a little and get to know what niches are profitable and which ones have the best products that you make the most sales on.
As far as an introduction to affiliate marketing goes, the best place to head to is definitely ClickBank…

Affiliate accounts are free at ClickBank, and once you have got yours you will need to take a look at the huge number of opportunities you have to promote products – mostly e-books – to your chosen audience.
Now you might be wondering how you can do this without having a website of your own or a blog you are hosting yourself, but all you need to do is get a free web page (or in fact as many as you like) from Squidoo. Check out the separate blog entry on that very subject to see how you can combine the two for maximum benefits.
If you do have a site of your own you can easily promote ClickBank products to your existing audience by searching for items that are likely to appeal to them. Use the search facility on ClickBank to help narrow down the number of products to sort through, and pick an appropriate category as well, to make sure you find the most suitable items.
You will get a dedicated link (called a hoplink) that will ensure you get a portion of the proceeds if someone clicks through to buy a product you have recommended. You can cloak this if you wish for extra security on your part by visiting one of the many free shortened URL sites online today.
The best way to profit from ClickBank is to focus on providing more than just an affiliate link for your customer to click on. The idea is to almost pre-sell the product before they even reach the sales page. You really need to be able to recommend it to them by stirring up some enthusiasm first.
A lot of affiliates get to the stage where they build a free web page (on Squidoo) or even a whole website on a specific subject, and write (or have someone else write) material that the visitors will find useful and interesting. In this way you are building a relationship with your visitors and projecting an image of someone that can be trusted and who knows a bit about what they are saying. It’s ironic really, but if you come across as an affiliate people will assume you are just out to make money and won’t even take a second look at the sales page you are trying to send them to – even if that product is really worth looking at.
Less is more when you are an affiliate trying to make money from ClickBank, and the more you remember that the more sales you are likely to make over time.
The good thing is that no matter how many different products you can promote, all your earnings will go straight into the same account, ready to be paid to you once you hit your payment threshold.
The best way to start with ClickBank is to find your way around the site and get to know how it works. Once you have done that start researching a few choice niches and develop things from there. Slowly but surely you will start to see results.
But before you head on over to ClickBank to sign up for your free account, make sure you leave a comment for us below! We always love to hear from you.

Make money Flipping Websites

Domain name flipping is the simple process of buying a domain name and then selling it for more money – so what exactly is website flipping all about?
If you’d prefer something a little more challenging (and potentially a lot more profitable) then website flipping might just be for you. It’s a longer process but the time you invest in this particular activity can net you a lot of cash. And there is more than one way of doing it as well, as you’re about to find out.
There is an ever growing band of people who have figured out that flipping websites is a great way to build up skills, knowledge and an impressive income at the same time.

The basic idea starts with you looking for a topic which does well online. Once you have a successful website on that topic (which you’ll do in one of the following two ways) you can offer it for sale to someone else.
The first way to do this is to start from scratch by selecting a domain name, building a website around it and building it up until it gets a good amount of traffic and interest from people who are into that subject. This can take some time as you will need to get the site indexed in Google before you can take advantage of the amount of search engine traffic that can come your way.
The idea is to build a site that has real money making potential, as well as being able to generate a good volume of traffic. You can do this by integrating elements such as Google Adsense, affiliate links and paid advertising into the site – and in some cases, paid memberships as well.
The second route to follow is easier – but it requires a little bit more research on your part. If the idea of building a site from scratch doesn’t appeal to you but you still want to sell websites for profit then this method should be the one to try. The trick is to look for a website that someone has built which is getting a reasonable amount of traffic. Keyword research will reveal those subject areas and keywords which are perennially popular online, and it is these kinds of websites you should be looking for – something that will always be pulling in traffic.
The fact is that you cannot simply pick a great domain name and stick a few articles and affiliate links on a website and expect it to make money. It takes time and effort, and that’s why websites which have the potential to do really well end up failing. It’s not so much the site as the owner in many cases.
So if you make a reasonable offer to that owner for their website, the chances are good that they will be only too pleased to get shot of the site. And that gives you the chance to get in there and really develop it in order to build on the traffic and potential it already has.
After a few months – when you are earning a dollar or more every day from your website – you can think about selling it. There are a number of websites and forums that have sections for flipping websites to other people, and depending on the profits you are making and the traffic you are getting you could make anything between a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars by flipping just one site.
And once you’ve done that and no doubt learned a lot from the experience, it’s a case of ‘rinse and repeat!’ There is no limit to the number of websites you can flip at any one time, although don’t forget you need a few months to go by before you make your first sale since you need your websites to develop before you can flip them. Once you get the ball rolling though you can expect to be selling one or more every week.
But before you become a ‘pro flipper’ for a living, why not leave us a comment in the box below? Then all you need to do is start scouting round for your very first flippable website!

How to make money with affiliate marketing

How would you like to earn a little extra cash each month? Or even replace your income, working less to make more money… Think its a pipe dream? well, think again.
Most people know that there are millions of dollars being spent every single day purchasing products and services online. But did you know that you could be earning a % on every sale made by simply referring and recommending the products that you like to people.
It’s one of the best ways to get started making money online – you don’t need a website, you don’t need a blog, you don’t even need any cash to get started, although these things can help, you can certainly start without them. By helping consumers research and choose products they already want to buy, which could be as simple as writing a 500 word article (just like this one) you could be earning a nice little second income.

Or if you want to take it a little more seriously, you can earn a full income, even more than most “real world” jobs pay.
I personally make a full time living through affiliate marketing, and have been doing it now for about 5 years. Working from home, choosing the hours to suit my lifestyle, and making a lot more than I ever made working 60 hours a week in a job I hated.
But if you really want to achieve some success with affiliate marketing you need a plan that will get you the level of income you want. A lot of people I speak too love the “Idea” of making money online, they usually ask me a million questions, and tell me how serious they are, how they are going to go home and get stuck into it, read all the stuff I recommend and get started asap.
But then most of them never actually follow through on any of it. Then 6 months later I will see them again, some will avoid the topic completely, while others tell me again how serious they are, and they are really going to do it “this time”.
It’s pretty ammusing for me, watching people make up excuses as to why they havnt done anything.
Personally I don’t really care if they do it or not, it doesn’t effect me at all. Although it would be nice to have more friends who arent working all week to play golf with and take the boat out. But other than that, it makes no difference to me.
I don’t really understand it though, I believe its the perfect business, think about it, you can make as much money as you like, your income is a direct result of the amount of effort you put in. You can work whatever hours you like. (Which is very few when you have been doing it for a few years) Plus you can do it from anywhere you can plug in a laptop. So if you like to Holiday or travel around the world, its the perfect business.
But how do you get involved?
The best place to start is by going to a website that houses a wide range of affiliate products. This keeps everything together in one easy to access place and gives you plenty to explore. You can also get an idea of which particular areas you would like to concentrate on. The worst thing you can do in affiliate marketing is to use the scattergun approach.
This is when you try and promote a wide range of products that aren’t connected with each other, all from a single website. In essence it isn’t aimed at anyone – and you’ll make fewer sales as a result.
Instead, do some research and come up with a specific group of people that you can find a wide range of products for. Or find a particular problem that people are searching online for solutions too, and direct them to the solution. Not only do you stand a much better chance of making a sale, But people will actually thank you for helping them find a solution, and be more than happy that you got paid to help them.
But if you don’t have a website, how can you promote your products?
There are several ways of doing this. One of the best is to use article directories like EzineArticles.com or Web 2.0 sites like Squidoo.com, which allow you to build web pages for free on pretty much any subject you like. Once these get indexed by Google and you do a little promotion for them, then you’ll start getting a steady stream of traffic – if you’ve picked the right topics and search terms to target.
At the beginning I mentioned the need to have a plan to reach the level of income you want. Not many affiliates actually do this and it’s one of the main reasons why more people aren’t making a lot of money with affiliate marketing. It’s certainly not because the potential isn’t there – it’s because they don’t plan to take advantage of it in the right way.
You should always look at how much you will get by way of commission for each product. Obviously the less the commission, the more units you will need to sell to achieve your desired income. You’ll achieve this through a balance of products obviously, but it’s worth bearing in mind.
You also need to think about the type of people you are marketing to. What kind of income do they bring in? How much are they likely to want to spend on the products you’ll be offering? If you don’t match these two aspects up properly you will struggle to make any real sales.
It’s also helpful to set short, medium and long term goals to help keep things in perspective. A short term goal might be to sell five products a week continually, for example. A long term goal could be to make $100,000 a year from affiliate marketing. Goals will help you to decide where you want to go with your fledgling affiliate marketing business.
Another important point to be aware of is that it’s wise to protect your income wherever you can. What I mean by this is that affiliate links can be rather obvious at times, and some people will actually delete your link and go into the site and buy something while denying you the commission.
The easy way to prevent this is to simply buy a domain for each product you are going to promote, and redirect it to the affiliate offer.  There are plenty of free tools that do this for you online, and it’s really the safest way to protect your interests. It also changes a long ugly link into a nice short one – much nicer for the article directories!
Affiliate marketing is like any other business, once you start generating some income, then you can start to invest some of that money back into your business to ensure you enjoy ongoing growth.
In short, start slowly and keep those visions of a huge income in perspective to begin with. You’ll soon get to know your way around the business and with each new experience you can build your knowledge and earn even more in the months and years to come.
When I was first starting out, I learnt the basics by purchasing a few books and e-books on the topic, but mostly it was left to trial and error. I had to make a lot of mistakes in order to find a few good ideas that worked and made money.
Fortunately these days there are some really good resources available for people looking to learn this business. So if you’re serious about becoming an affiliate marketer, check out some of the resources on this page.
The most important thing to do though, is to just get started, do something right now, then follow it up tomorrow with something else… Try and do something every day towards your goal, don’t put it off for a single day, and before you know it, you will have a nice steady stream of profits coming in.
Too many of the people I talk to, put things off until they have more time, but then they forget, and never end up getting started at all. So commit to yourself, take some action and get started today.

How to make money with Facebook

If you always wanted to earn online income but didn’t know where to start, why not jump on the most popular social network site and take advantage of their ad serving platform?
Featured Story: Click Here to read about 2 College Guys Who Made $119K in One Month Using Facebook!
Believe it or not, tens of thousand of people are using Facebook every day to chat with their friends and have fun… while others are making money at the same time.
Would you like to know how to cash-it on this social phenomenon?
Would $5… $50… or $150 in additional income make you happier? What would you do with the “new found” money?
Let’s make it happen, here are three quick steps:
Step #1
Once you have signed up to Facebook your first step should be to think about how you want to present yourself. You don’t want to fake it, just be yourself and showcase your skill, your hobby or knowledge – that is what makes money from Facebook.
Don’t forget that you want to attract the attention of a specific group of people here, so that you become known as someone who is something of an expert on one particular subject. So choose wisely!
Step #2
Go for a popular niche that you personally like and have an interest in. Develop your persona in that area. If you already have something of a web presence in a particular area then you’ll use that in your advantage because — it will help you as more and more people become aware of who you, your skill/knowledge and how this can help them.
Step #3
Your first port of call, if you have anything second hand to sell which is related to your niche, is the Marketplace. It’s free to place ads in the Marketplace and there is no limit on how many you can place.
EXAMPLE: you come across a bargain lot of books on your subject on eBay or at a yard sale you can list them all individually on Facebook and sell them on for a profit.
If you have a budget to spend on advertising and you have some external websites you want to promote, you can try out the Social Ads to see what benefits you get from them. It is well worth reading through the relevant help section to see what is involved though, as it is quite in depth.
The main benefit of becoming a Facebook member is that you can build and use any number of applications to perform certain tasks on your profile page.
The GREAT NEWS is that Facebook doesn’t frown at users making money from their Facebook page, and indeed many people link in to other websites outside of Facebook itself.
People are constantly building new applications and often they are used by many other users to create pages that appeal to their own particular needs.
This is partly why you will succeed in making more money from Facebook if you brand yourself carefully before you get started on the site.
Figure out what it is you want to do and what you want to achieve. If you already have a website up and running then you will be able to link into that, so keep the look and feel of your Facebook page in the same vein as your site.
But while you can link to other sites outside of Facebook, some people also sprinkle some affiliate links on their actual Facebook page itself. For example, some quick research revealed one person who links into a range of ClickBank products on their page and does well from doing so.
So long as you start from a strong position with a particular focus and brand in mind, you can do well by experimenting with all the benefits that Facebook offers (and they’re growing).
Take time to build up a network of friends and make sure you become known for being an expert in your particular sphere of interest/niche.
Exposure is what you should aim for. The more people you make friends with and add to your network, the more money you should be generating. However, don’t make the mistake to go after “friends” for money.
Put people first, money will follow. It’s like in the real life, just a different medium, the same communication skills and principles apply though.
You should always sound, look and act real, don’t pretend to be someone else. People feel it nowadays more than ever.

How to make money blogging

More and more people are realising that blogging is one of the best ways to start your own online business. It requires minimal start up costs, you can build an impressive and loyal readership over time and once you know how to monetize your blog it can also bring in a decent income that will keep on coming even on the days when you don’t update your blog.
There are several ways to set up a blog online. You could use WordPress, Blogger, or another free site that hosts your blog for you; or alternatively you can set up your own blog under your own domain name.
If you want to make serious money from blogging, you must have complete control over your blog – and that’s something the free blogging accounts won’t give you. You’ll be bound by their terms and conditions and that usually includes not being able to actively promote anything. There are plenty of people who have established a blog only to have it removed without notice some weeks or months later.
Side Note: If you are ready to get started making money online as an affiliate marketer. Then check out this free webinars from the guys at Consumer Wealth System.  It’s a great resource if you are just getting started in the affiliate marketing business. Click Here Now to watch the free webinar.
It will cost you a few dollars to buy your domain name and set up a web server that will host your blog, but the benefits will far outweigh the cost involved. It can literally be as little as $20 a year we’re talking about here – and that buys you total freedom.
Once you’re ready to set your blog up you’ll need to choose a good theme and layout for it. You might find one that relates to your choice of subject (more on that in a moment) or else there might be one you just like the look of. But there are thousands of templates available for you to use – a simple search on Google will reveal the ones that will be best suited to your topic.
But perhaps the most important question is what you are going to blog about. The whole world is your oyster here – some people blog about their lives in general; some blog about their jobs; some blog about their hobbies; some tell the world about their kids and what it’s like to be a parent, and still others blog about the weird world of celebrities. But whatever you choose to blog about it needs to be something you are passionate about. Don’t forget, you are going to be writing about this topic several times a week, and if you don’t have the enthusiasm for it, that will show in your posts – and no one else will have the enthusiasm to read them.
Okay – so you’ve got your subject. Now you have to start writing your blog posts. If you take a look at just a few of the blogs already online, you’ll notice that the length of the posts varies a lot. Some people only write a paragraph or two each time, but you’ll get better results if you go for something a little longer than this. Around 400 to 500 words makes for a good post with a lot of information in it; some people write hugely long posts that are thousands of words long and could be called an e-book by another name.
But you can also take the format of this blog, by posting a short blog entry which leads into a longer article. This has the benefit of highlighting a lot of blog posts on the home page of the site, and people can then click through and read the ones they like the most.
You should remember however that there are no real rules when it comes to blogging. Over time you will naturally find what works for you, and your blog will settle down into a nice pattern that both you and your readers will enjoy. You’ll find your character and personality will start to come through in your writing too; don’t fight against this as it is one of the hallmarks of blogging. It is, after all, a personal account of an individual’s life and experiences, so show people what you’re made of! You’ll get a more loyal – and bigger – audience like this.
So you’ve got your blog up and running and you’re posting to it on a regular basis. The next step is to get it in front of as many interested eyeballs as possible.
One great way to do this is to submit it to as many of the social bookmarking sites as possible. You can also join social networking sites and build a profile which contains a link to your blog. Other no cost ways to generate traffic include writing free articles for article directories with a link to your blog at the end, and creating signatures at the end of any posts you make to internet forums, and also in all the emails you send out. When you really start thinking about it, you don’t actually need to spend anything to generate plenty of traffic.
All we need to do now is monetize the blog itself. You’ll want to generate some money from all the visitors you’ll start getting, and there are plenty of ways to do this easily. Google Adsense is probably the most well known method – you can join the program for free and display contextual ads that your visitors will be interested in to maximise your click through rate.
There are also a handful of websites which give you the opportunity to get paid for each blog post you make on a specific subject. Pay Per Post and Review Me are two such examples, and they will pay you a certain amount of money to review a product or website for the owner. In a similar vein you can also review and recommend other people’s products through affiliate links inserted into your blog posts, and earn money on commissions earned through any purchases people make.
And once you’re more established you can offer ad space on your blog too, and charge a fee for both classified and display ads if you wish. What could be better than setting your own price?
But there is one final step you can take with your blog if you enjoy a change of scene every now and again. You can sell your blog! Once it is established and has plenty of revenue and traffic, you can usually sell it for ten times its monthly revenue.
And then, you can start all over again with a whole new subject!
So that’s it – profitable blogging in a nutshell. If you have any questions feel free to leave your comments in the form below. And once you’ve done that, get out there and get started building your first blog today.

vendredi 8 avril 2011

Cateva metode de a face bani in plus daca esti sudent

1. Bani din bursa. Probabil ca este cea mai banala metoda pentru un student de a face rost de bani; totusi foarte multi o neglijeaza. Toate facultatile de stat ofera burse, ba chiar si unele particulare. Chiar daca nu castigi o suma prea mare pe luna, poti macar sa nu mai platesti taxele de scolarizare, care adunate ajung la o suma destul de mare. Ai avantaj daca chiar iti plac materiile de la facultatea ta si nu esti acolo doar pentru diploma…
2. Asistent la universitate. In multe institutii de invatamant superior din Romania e destul de usor sa te angajezi daca ai rezultate bune la invatatura si ti-ai gasit profesori cu care sa te intelegi bine; in unele domenii (cum sunt cele tehnice) e chiar criza de personal. Asistentii nu castiga foarte mult, dar programul de lucru este relativ lejer, au acces la toate facilitatile oferite de universitate (dotari, proiecte, calatorii in strainatate) si pe termen lung pot promova destul de facil in functii mai bine platite.
3. Freelancer pe internet. Poti lucra si de acasa (sau de la camin), din fata calculatorului! Scrie texte, vinde poze, programeaza, ajuta la teme, introdu date, angajeaza-te intr-un call center online; sunt doar cateva exemple. Gasesti pe acest site numeroase alte oportunitati de a lucra pe net. Banii nu vor veni insa din prima zi, vei castiga mai mult in timp, doar daca oferi calitate, pe masura ce iti faci un portofoliu si devii cunoscut.
4. Baby sitting. Jobul ideal pentru o fata, mai ales daca planuieste sa aiba copii in curand si are experienta cu fratiori mai mici. Iti poti gasi copilasi de care sa ai grija prin anunturi pe net, in ziare, prin cunostinte sau abordand direct persoane ocupate care stii ca nu au cine sa-si lase odraslele.
5. Menaj. Nu e o activitate strict pentru femei, si sexul masculin se poate implica in asa ceva; poti incepe cu cercul tau de cunoscuti, prin anunturi online sau pe print, poti imparti fluturasi cu ceea ce oferi sau poti sa intrebi direct potentiale persoane interesate.
6. Meditatii. Daca ai un pic de talent pedagogic poti scoate bani frumosi din predarea unor cursuri in particular sau chiar la scoli specializate; daca te pricepi la materii sau domenii mai putin populare sunt sanse sa castigi mai mult.
7. Curatenie. Se pot scoate bani buni din servicii de curatare a unor case particulare sau institutii; e mai bine sa lucrezi singur sau cu niste prieteni, firmele mari din domeniu platesc destul de prost angajatii si au la randul lor de achitat taxe mari la stat. Cel mai bine functioneaza in acest caz abordarea directa a unor firme si persoane care crezi ca ar putea raspunde pozitiv.
8. Plimbat caini. A aparut si in Romania acest serviciu si devine tot mai popular, mai ales printre persoanele ocupate care au bani si tin mult la animalele lor domestice. Daca iti plac cainii e o activitate foarte simpla si placuta; incearca sa gasesti clienti prin mica publicitate sau prin zonele unde proprietarii acestora merg (parcuri, pet-shop-uri).
9. Ingrijire batrani. Daca ai rabdare si iti place sa ai grija de persoanele in varsta, poti castiga din asta destul de bine; obiectivul tau este sa gasesti persoane cu o situatie financiara buna care nu timp sa-si ingrijeasca parintii/bunicii de acasa si sa le convingi ca tu o poti face foarte bine. Poti incepe prin cunostinte, recomandarile personale sunt importante in acest caz.
10. Mic meserias. Desi exista multi someri, este criza de forta de munca in unele domenii; profesionistii in diverse tipuri de meserii bine platite au cam plecat din Romania, astfel ca exista loc pe piata pentru noi doritori. Ideea este sa te orientezi spre un anumit domeniu in care sa te specializezi foarte bine; numai in acest fel poti castiga mult. Exista numerosi romani care au impresia ca se pricep la toate dar de fapt nu stiu sa faca bine nimic; secretul pentru a castiga bine e munca de foarte buna calitate intr-un domeniu foarte clar definit. Meseriasii obtin multe contracte pe recomandari personale; poti incepe cu cateva cunostinte carora sa le lucrezi la preturi foarte mici sau chiar pro-bono (gratis), urmand sa cresti treptat pretul pe masura de devii mai mai cunoscut, mai perfectionat si mai cautat.
11. Figurant la emisiuni si filme. Optiunea aceasta e valabila mai ales pentru cei din Bucuresti, dar este posibil sa fie astfel de oportunitati si in alte zone din tara. Figurantii din filme si spectatorii de la emisiunile TV sunt platiti pe ora; nu sunt sume foarte mari, dar e o munca extrem de simpla (daca poate fi numita munca), pe care o poate face oricine.
12. Teste clinice. In orasele in care exista companii farmaceutice se organizeaza period diverse testari ale produselor acestora. Daca stai bine cu sanatatea si nu ai alergii la niciun compus chimic, poti incerca sa iei parte la asemenea experimente. Pe langa faptul ca faci un bine stiintei vei primi si sume de bani pentru efortul tau. Atentie la efectele adverse! Vei fi pus sa semnezi o declaratie prin care compania nu-si asuma raspunderea daca ceva merge prost…
13. Donare de sange. Sangele pentru transfuzii este insuficient in spitalele romanesti; daca donezi sange poti salva viata cuiva si in plus vei primi tichete-cadou cu care poti cumpara diverse produse in supermarketuri. Doneaza de maxim 2 ori pe an, doar daca te simti bine si ai o greutate suficienta.
14. Promotii. Daca esti o tipa draguta si n-ai probleme cu socializarea, poti lucra pentru diferite firme facand promotii pe strada, in mall-uri sau hipermarketuri. Se plateste pe ora, nu foarte mult dar nici nu e o treaba prea complicata, iar in final iti raman si tie multe din produsele carora le-ai facut reclama.
15. Ajutor la evenimente. De cate se organizeaza conferinte, festivaluri, concerte sau alte evenimente de amploare e nevoie de personal pentru a se ocupa de logistica. Uneori se folosesc voluntari (care primesc diverse avantaje), alteori se plateste pentru timpul consumat si efortul depus. Vezi ce poti gasi in orasul tau…
16. Marketing comercial si politic. Firmele mari au periodic campanii de promovare, in care poti avea un rol si tu; distribuirea de pliante, testarile de produse si studiile de piata sunt lucruri usor de facut. Partidele politice au nevoie de oameni in campanii pentru a le promova; putini dintre ei sunt si membri, majoritatea sunt mercenari platiti cu ziua sau cu ora; poti primi bani, mancare si alte bonusuri pentru a imparti flyere si a lipi afise.
17. Focus grupuri. Cand vor sa-si lanseze un produs noi, sa faca rebranding sau sa inceapa o campanie de advertising, marile companii fac studii pe consumatori folosind focus grupuri; participarea la acest gen de intalniri se recompenseaza cu bani sau cu produse. Incearca sa gasesti astfel de oportunitati folosind cunostintele tale din departamente de marketing sau firme specializate.
18. Vanzare de carti la anticariate. Scapa de cartile tale vechi vanzandu-le altor colegi sau direct anticariatelor. Daca ai persoane apropiate cu bilioteci vechi nefolosite poti castiga bine valorificand carti cerute pe piata in acest fel.
19. Vanzare de vechituri pe net. Daca ai in casa ta (sau a parintilor tai) multe obiecte de care nu mai ai nevoie dar care sunt intr-o stare buna si ar putea fi comercializate, foloseste portaluri online (cum este okazii.ro) pentru a scoate niste bani; poti incerca sa vinzi si-n afara, pe eBay, dar aici merita doar daca ai ceva de valoare (obiecte de arta, antichitati etc.).
20. Munca cu ziua sau cu ora. Angajarea ca zilier nu se face doar la tara, la munca campului; sunt si firme in orasele mari care accepta angajarea pe perioade fixe, la diferite activitati simple. Poti incerca de exemplu pe santiere sau cand are loc mutarea sediilor unor companii.
21. Redactare de texte. Oricine poate scrie un text pe calculator; exista persoane dispuse sa plateasca pentru asta. Sumele (pe pagina) sunt relativ mici, dar munca e comoda, se poate face de oriunde. Poti de asemenea sa iti simplifici viata folosind anumite softuri: daca clientul vrea sa-i transcrii niste pagini tiparite, ele pot fi scanate si transformate in text folosind programe de recunoastere a caracterelor (OCR), iar in limba engleza poti experimneta si cu aplicatii de recunoastere vocala, prin care poti dicta direct un text.
22. Ajutor la teme, proiecte si lucrari de licenta. Daca nu ai o problema etica in privinta asta, poti obtine niste bani din scrierea temelor pentru elevi sau a proiectelor si licentelor pentru studenti. Sumele variaza in functie de complexitatea subiectului si timpul alocat. Se pot refolosi multe dintre ele, iar pe retelele de sharing gasesti deja numeroase astfel de materiale gata facute cu care poti incepe.
23. Sondaje de opinie. Firmele care sondeaza populatia in scopuri comerciale sau politice lucreaza cu mercenari; nu e foarte complicat sa te angajezi intr-un astfel de loc. Munca necesita ceva rabdare si perseverenta, dar se plateste decent si in plus faci multa miscare.
24. Membru in comisie la alegeri. Cand au loc alegeri, membrii comisiei electorale de la fiecare sectie de vot sunt platiti consistent pentru ziua respectiva si li se ofera mancare gratis. Gaseste-ti un partid sau ONG care sa te trimita ca observator si poti face rapid niste bani. Citeste cu atentie regulamentul electoral inainte (nu e foarte lung), fraudele si neatentia se sanctioneaza.
Lista va fi completata in continuare.
Nu astepta sa ti se ofere o slujba, invata ce-ti place, experimenteaza si cauta tu singur! Uneori e bine sa lucrezi chiar gratis pentru scurte perioade de timp la anumite companii pentru a acumula experienta. Practica din facultate e mult prea putina!
E destul de usor sa-ti gasesti un job part-time ca student, „da bine” in CV si niste banuti in plus nu strica nimanui!

Detine controlul asupra castigurilor tale



             STITI CA  ATI AJUNS  PE UN  SITE UNIC                                    






  $$$$$$$$ - S  E  C  R  E  T  U  L  !!! $$$$$$$$        


  1)Va  creati  propriul  site  unde  va veti  desfasura  afacerea  online  –  site-ul va lucra pentru dvs. 24 ore/zi 7 zile/ saptamana timp in care dvs. puteti face ce doriti .
Nu stiti sa va faceti un site o pagina web ? nici o problema in materialele pe care le veti primii veti gasii un soft (SITE – CREATOR) care va face toata treaba in locul dvs. in doar 5 minute costurile unei afaceri online muncind la domiciliu sunt inexistente in comparatie cu cele ale unei afaceri standard deoarece nu aveti nevoie de un depozit unde sa va tineti marfa iar vanzarea se face automat fara alte eforturi oferta va fi disponibila pentru oricine pe glob nu aveti nevoie de angajati etc.
  2)Materialele pe care le veti primii vin cu drepturi totale de revindere inseamna ca le puteti multiplica si vinde de cate ori vreti oricui la orice pret – drepturi totale de revindere aveti dreptul de a revinde acest produs dar cel mai important licenta va acorda sa  transmiteti si clientilor dvs. dreptul de revindere asupra produsului astfel creste rata de conversie a produsului cu cel putin 700%.
  3)Dupa ce ati primit materialele si aveti site-ul practic munca dvs. va fi una foarte simpla de a promova pagina dvs. il veti inscrie in directoare web adaugandu-le in motoarele de cautare (Google,Yahoo,MSN, etc. veti promova site-ul dvs prin toate modalitatile   existente pe internet    dati    anunturi pe diferite   forumuri  siteuri cu   anunturi gratuite.  (Tot ce veti avea de facut explicat pas cu pas web-site-scrisoare de vanzare gata facute cum promovati site-ul dvs.tutoriale video explicatii concrete tot ce va trebuie).

Cum poti sa castigi bani la 18 ani?

De ce aproape toti sunt impotriva adolescentilor, cu ce au gresit tinerii de astazi de toti ii critica, cine impune o anumita atitudine anti tineri si cine are de castigat din asta? 

Oficial exista joburi pentru +18, realitatea in schimb este neclara. Tinerii primesc raspunsuri neoficiale de genul “Vino maine, vorbim, sa vedem ce poti face, prima luna este fara plata, vedem dupa”, “Sigur ca am nevoie de tine, poti pune fluturasi in casutele postale, te platesc cand pot”, “Asistent manager la 18 ani, dar stiu ca vrei multe domnisoara, sa vedem, sa vorbim, ai tu 1000 de euro sa dai ca sa ramai aici?”.
Cineva discrimineaza creierele de 18 ani, asta e clar, idiotii, in loc sa vada potentialul, ei distrug imaginatia si Universul in crestere. Incearca sa va foloseasca promitandu-va, utopic, orice, iar finalul este permanent acelasi: go to someone else.
Impreuna astazi o sa invatam (rau cuvant dar al naibii de folositor) cum sa ne descurcam singuri.
Pornim de la motto-ul: sunt tanar am nevoie de bani.

Ce poti face pentru asta?

1. Meditatii - limba straina, orice materie 5-8, daca stii un sport nobil il poti preda. Banuti destui 10 ron/h x 4h x 2 transe de meditatii x 3 elevi= TE DESCURCI SINGUR! Reclama iti poti face pe net, in ziare, contra-cost sau prin prieteni.
2. Dog walker - suna rau, fi serios, suna banos. Uite am facut eu calculele pentru tine: 3 ron/ora x 5 caini=15ron/ora x 2h=30ron per plimbare x2 plimbari (standard) pe zi, opa ai bani in buzunar, totul x cu 29 de zile = TE DESCURCI SINGUR!
3. Colaborator radio (online sau FM) – reporter, munca redactie (selectare stiri), asistent in departamentul tehnic: 5-7 milioane cash pe luna. Daca colaborezi cu doua posturi de radio simultan inseamna 14 mil. cash pe luna. NU MAI CERI NIMANUI BANI!
4. Filmari, montaj audio-video, nunti, botezuri, petreceri. Adevarat nu vei fi cerut la parangheliile mari dar in timp se mai schimba lucrurile. Profit, dupa achitarea drumului si a altor costuri aferente, lunar, 10 mil. Extra bani iti ies din multiplicarea audio-video cerand tarif preferential.
5. Colaborator “voce” sau “chip”, firma de reclame. Iti depui cv-ul la o firma de recrutare personal doritor colaborare in domeniul reclamelor si astepti. Bani sigur peluna nu vin, bani pe sezon poate.
6. Executie web page, programamre soft, instalare windows, dar numai in cartierul tau. Nu ai licenta de libera practica, deja suna ILEGAL. Bani vin in timp si mai esti tras in piept mult.
7. Varsta iti permite accesul la gama de relatii ce peste 5 ani dispar, de exemplu, trupele noi formate (de liceu si nu numai) cu viata scurta. Te duci, ii cunosti, ii asculti, te prinzi ca o sa reziste maxim un LP scos, in cel mai bun caz, ii iei de mana si ii duci la RELATIA TA.
Ce inseamna RELATIA TA (cea care sa te si plateasca pentru “music head hunter“): o persoana angajata sau colaboratoare la o firma, permanent in cautare de tinere talente. Cum poti avea o asemenea colaborare, tu care esti vazut doar ca un pusti de 18 ani, de care toti s-ar putea folosi? Am un cuvant pentru tine: CONCERTE. Si de aici te descurci tu.
8. Vanzator (curs obligatoriu facut), salariu stabil sau comision in functie de vanzari. Bani in mana dupa ce iti platesti o parte din hrana, telefonul si transportul, 8 mil. Suna rau vanzator? De ce? Ii faci pe oameni sa cumpere ceea ce nu au nevoie si esti platit pentru asta, e funny si cu putin exercitiu poti invata cum sa fi ironic fara sa se prinda nimeni,  in timp o sa vrei sa dai la marketing sau psihologie.

Te astept si pe tine cu idei, auzite sau incercate.
STIU, ai 18 ani si nu te baga prea multa lume in seama, nu este nimic, impreuna putem schimba asta!
Nu uita, banii ii poti face si la 25 de ani, dupa ce termini facultatea si te “introduci” la master. 

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